Blog/ Trampoline Parks

How to Improve the Trampoline Park Guest Experience

5 Ways Technology Can Improve Customer Service at Trampoline Parks-1

Are your customers happy?

Because happy customers are the ones that come back. Acquiring new customers is great, but keeping them is what will help your business grow.

A long-term customer is of more value than a single-deal customer. And having long-term guests is more cost-effective given the resources it takes to acquire new ones who only purchase once.

Delighting your customers requires effort. Trampoline park guests increasingly expect more innovative interactions and a friction-free experience to satisfy their needs. And if their needs aren’t met, word spreads quickly.

According to PwC, 90 percent of adults under 35 use social media regularly, and negative online reviews can be devastating. Your reviews on social media, Google or TripAdvisor may be the difference between a successful or struggling trampoline park.

Technology is becoming a key strategic advantage for trampoline parks and attractions managers looking to grow their business. It’s prevalent through every aspect of the guest experience – from browsing and booking, to the actual visit and also after.  

An important consideration for trampoline parks is investing in the right technology in an industry that is rapidly changing.

One example is having an engaging and easy-to-navigate website that drives conversion. A report from the UK showed around 93 percent of visitor attractions had websites but on average, less than a third (29 percent) had an online booking facility.

In this blog, we look at four ways you can improve the guest experience at your venue with the right trampoline park software.

1. Personalization

It’s now well established that customers who have a frictionless experience repay you with loyalty. And while the retail sector has traditionally led the way with personalization, customer expectation in the attractions and leisure sector is growing.

Personalizing the guest experience, however, isn’t always easy. A Forrester study found that 40 percent of marketers find personalizing offers and experiences to be a top challenge.

While it might be difficult to do this for the entire guest experience, you can create more meaningful communication using an email platform that offers dynamic segmentation to enable timely, personal and effective email campaigns to your customers.

HubSpot data shows that 99 percent of consumers check their email every day and the number of email users worldwide is expected to reach a massive 4.3 billion people by 2022, according to research by Statista.

This is why we need to get personal! Emails that resonate with the individual drive the highest engagement and revenue. It's no wonder 82 percent of marketers say personalization leads to a significant increase in email open rates.

2. Provide Digital Waivers

For many trampoline parks globally, waivers are an essential part of meeting compliance obligations, but they don’t need to be a pain for you or your guest.

Traditional waivers are paper-based and need to be printed, explained to the customer, filled out and then processed manually. Not to mention the struggle with how and where to store them. It’s a lengthy process that can cause frustration and delays for busy venues.

Digital waivers, on the other hand, can be completed during the ticket purchase, resulting in shorter queues and more time for fun. They only need to be signed once and remain valid for up to 365 days. Digital waivers minimize data entry errors and eliminate storage issues, too.

Digital waivers also allow you to capture key customer data ahead of their attendance to ensure you’re better able to meet their needs and your compliance obligations.

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

A smart CRM solution should do more than just collect information. It should help you keep track of your customers and analyze interactions and behavioral data throughout their journey. With the information gained, you can target your customers with personalized communications and delight them. For example, you might decide to send a customer a special offer on their birthday.

There are loads of standalone tools and systems available, though the best results are generally achieved with the use of a fully integrated CRM, like the one included within ROLLER’s all-in-one software solution. Our CRM is cloud based and gives you the information you need, in the format required, in a way that you can use it!

Common information your CRM can collect includes:

  • Customer details: Name, address, other relevant contact details, date of birth and even preferred contact method.
  • Purchase information: Including when a customer purchased from you, what they bought, the time and value of the purchase.
  • Engagement information: When and how your customer responded to communication efforts. This may also include feedback on your services, be it positive or negative.

4. Introduce Self-Service Technology

When given a choice, consumers are more likely to choose self-service technology over a human interaction, according to a SOTI survey.

The 2017 survey, with 565 people in the U.S. ranging from 18 to 60 years of age, revealed that 66 percent of respondents preferred self-service technology, such as self-serve kiosks.

Self-serve kiosks (SSK) allow customers to check in when convenient for them and purchase products and services at your venue. Research conducted by ROLLER at trampoline parks shows that sales through a self-serve kiosk see guests spend, on average 10 percent more per head than if they were purchasing at a traditional point of sale (POS).

Trampoline Parks are already using ROLLER’s SSK modules. Our data shows that 40 percent of transactions are now going through the kiosks, increasing revenue, reducing overheads and aiding a decrease in customer queuing.

ROLLER’s All-In-One Software Solution

Increasing customer satisfaction is your key to customer retention. For many trampoline parks, repeat customers are a key way to achieve business growth. They will serve as free/organic marketing for your venue by being an advocate for your business.

ROLLER’s all-in-one software is a cloud-based solution that offers easy-to-use, customizable modules for ticketing, CRM, POS, entry management, digital waivers, gift cards, SSKs and more.

Our mission at ROLLER is to continually develop flexible and scalable solutions that empower leisure and entertainment venues like yours. Our all-in-one solution allows you to offer your guests better and more exciting experiences, while increasing ROI, and reducing the time spent on admin and other operational tasks.

It’s this approach that allows us to serve so many industry verticals including theme parks, trampoline parks, museums, zoos, festivals, water parks and more.

With offices in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, and clients in more than 20 countries, ROLLER has the global reach and support to help your venue achieve even more.

Click the image below to read our free eBook on 'How all-in-one software can benefit your attraction or venue'.
