Blog/ Technology

Is Your Software Helping or Holding Back Your Entertainment Venue?


Our lives are becoming digitized and it’s changing the way consumers attend and spend at attractions, entertainment and leisure venues.

The evolution of new technologies means industries are shifting more rapidly than ever. Staying ahead of competitors can be difficult. And because consumers’ appetite for ‘fun’ is at an all-time high, more venue types are popping up, increasing competition. It is therefore critical that the software you use is able to future-proof your venue.

So how do you know if your software can fulfill your short and long-term business goals?

In this blog, we discuss how your current systems might be holding you back and how making the right business decisions can lead to improved efficiencies and increased revenue.

Complacency kills growth 

Many venues continue to use systems far longer than they should. These are what we call ‘legacy systems’. Although they may still ‘work’, overtime they become increasingly unstable due to their incompatibility with modern operating systems, browsers and structures.

There are a number of other threats and risks if your venue continues to rely on your legacy system; namely the cost of maintenance, operational risks, potential data loss or corruption, and an inability to conduct even basis data analysis and reporting. As time goes on, the performance is slower and output lower. Failures are more frequent leading to reduced efficiency and productivity.

Additionally, staff become frustrated that they have to come to work and use outdated technology, when in their day-to-day lives, they have become accustomed to modern and easy to use technology. Similarly, customer interactions that are facilitated through outdated software reflect poorly on your brand, and can lead to lost revenue, reduced re-attendance and inferior reviews in the market.

So why do venue managers and business owners continue running old, outdated systems? People generally fear the unknown. If something appears to work, we would rather not change it, even if there are better solutions in the market.

Getting to know the capabilities of your software

If you’re still running a legacy system and in the hunt for something new, doing your research to see if you’re getting everything you need is important. You can compare software providers by visiting reputable review sites such as GetApp, for example.

But to help get you started, here are some key questions to ask yourself when considering a new software solution for your venue:

  • Are you considering all-in-one solution that digitizes POS, ticketing, CRM, waivers and gift cards?
  • Is it cloud-based and easy to access anywhere, anytime?
  • Does it make data analysis and running detailed reports easy?
  • Will it future-proof your business and grow with it?
  • Does it continue to introduce new products/services?
  • Does it make it easy to personalize your customers’ experiences?
  • Does the software update automatically?
  • Is it scalable and flexible?
  • Does it focus on providing an exceptional customer experience?
  • Can I access 24/7 support?
  • Is it secure?
  • How does the solution compare to others on the market?

By changing your software to a provider that ticks the above, you could be saving money and increasing your bottom line. You want to ensure that your software solution has the size and scale needed to support your business now, and in the future.

Game-changers get results

Choosing the right all-in-one, cloud-based solution can future-proof your business and set you up for ongoing success. As is the case in most industries, technology is redefining the way people experience attractions, entertainment and leisure venues around the world. Simply put, technology is a game changer.

Leading software providers, such as ROLLER, are continually innovating and pushing the boundaries by developing new digital solutions for industry. ROLLER's focus is on producing scalable and flexible technology that enables venues to offer their customers better and more exciting experiences while saving money, increasing efficiency and improving the bottom line.

Steamroll your way past competitors

As an all-in-one software platform, ROLLER offers easy-to-use, customizable digital solutions for ticketing, POS, CRM, entry management and digital waivers. ROLLER also offers online gift cards and web development. All from one location and accessible via the cloud.

ROLLER’s reputation for innovation is why it is an industry leader, serving hundreds of theme parks, trampoline parks, museums, festivals, water parks and more around the world. With staffed offices in the United States, the UK and Australia, 24/7 customer service is available.