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Rolling Forward: Highlights from the Roller Skating Association Convention

Rolling Forward: Highlights from the Roller Skating Association Convention
Roller skating enthusiasts and industry professionals recently gathered at the Roller Skating Association Convention for an unforgettable experience filled with education, networking, and, of course, plenty of fun. 

Let's take a spin through some of the memorable moments from this year's event (we even won the Best Booth award)! 🏆

Educational insights

The convention kicked off with a series of engaging education sessions designed to empower rink operators and industry leaders. One of the standout moments was the keynote speech “Sell Like A Star ⭐️” delivered by Sheryl Bindelglass, the esteemed recipient of the RSA President's Award.

Her inspiring words resonated with attendees, offering valuable insights and strategies for success in the roller skating business. I’m a Walt Disney - if you get it, you get it!

There was also a lot of buzz around the “Chat GPT and AI Showcase” session - it's such an incredible tool for owners/operators who wear so many hats. 

Read this next: Future-Proof Entertainment: Adapting to Trends for Long-Term Success

Bustling show floor

The energy on the show floor was palpable as rink operators from across the country gathered to explore the latest trends, products, and services aimed at enhancing their businesses. From cutting-edge technology to innovative marketing solutions, there was no shortage of opportunities for growth and improvement. 

One key takeaway is that many rinks are looking to modernize their operations with tools such as party booking software, membership programs, and digital waivers

Community connection

Beyond the business aspect, the convention provided a unique opportunity for like-minded individuals to come together and share ideas. Whether it was brainstorming new event concepts or exchanging best practices for customer engagement, there was a sense of camaraderie and collaboration that permeated the entire event. We love getting to meet industry contemporaries, current ROLLER customers, and future ROLLER customers in person! 

Astro skate extravaganza

No RSA Convention would be complete without a spectacular party, and Astro Skate certainly delivered. Attendees were treated to an evening of music, dancing, and camaraderie as they celebrated another successful year in the industry. It was the perfect opportunity to unwind and connect with fellow skating enthusiasts!

Looking ahead

As the convention drew to a close, there was a collective sense of anticipation for what the future holds. With new ideas and insights gained, attendees left feeling inspired and motivated to implement positive changes in their businesses. The countdown to next year's convention has already begun, and excitement is building for another unforgettable gathering of the roller skating community.

The Roller Skating Association Convention was a whirlwind of education, networking, and celebration. From insightful sessions to lively parties, it was an event to remember for all who attended. As we reflect on the memories made and lessons learned, one thing is certain – the future of roller skating is bright, and we can't wait to see where the journey takes us next!

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