Blog/ Technology

Take your Venue to the Next Level with Cloud-Based POS Software


Not knowing where your data is stored, can be a little bit scary, especially if you can’t see it or hold it in your hand. 

As our lives are being digitized, advancements in cloud-based technology have already taken over, and you are probably using it to the benefits of your business. Software is now safer than ever and cloud-based tech is a must for a leaner business model with increased accessibility and level of service. Here’s how:

Point of sales cloud solutions play with others

The flexibility of cloud-based POS software is one of it’s biggest benefits – its ease of installment and user-friendliness give you near endless options to fiddle around and customize for your business’ benefit. Not only is it possible to integrate gift cards, loyalty programs and other add-ons to make your POS uniquely yours, it’s beyond simple. With all that considered, it also means that your POS has never been more efficient. Anything a consumer might need to use to pay is centralized in one, fluid transaction. The sale model needs to run smoothly, and there’s no better digital sandpaper than ‘The Cloud’.

Damage control has never been easier

As previously mentioned, there’s this irrational fear we have, that the data we put into cyberspace will never return to us, that we’ll lose it forever. However, The Cloud is making sure that loss of important info is a thing of the past. While big businesses have both the funds and the internal know how to facilitate data recovery, many small businesses aren’t that well equipped. Enter The Cloud: where 43% of small businesses are using cloud-based services that inherently saves time, saves money and saves you having to hire a professional to recover your data by instead, giving you third-party expertise. That sounds like a win/win/win/win to us!

Work is where the wifi is

The idea of the traditional workplace is a fading concept. From the comforts of our bedroom to the most remote of exotic locations — where there is Internet there’s the ability to get work done. Taking your business to the cloud is one way to ensure that you’re able to work wherever you are. More importantly, this allows for flexibility with employees and their work routine. The ability to telecommute is a largely coveted, but at times, seldom offered part of traditional workspaces, yet studies have endlessly proven that doing so poses as no threat to productivity.

The customer is always right whether they know it or not 

The most important benefit of your business making the jump to the cloud is that it helps the customer like never before. Using cookies, information a consumer enters on your site, can then tailor that customer’s next experience. The result? It feels like your business has been customized to suit their needs when they next visit.

Want to send your business-customer relationship to skyrocketing new heights? Book a demo to see how ROLLER can help you today.

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