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A Guide to Resource Management for Attraction Venues

A Guide to Resource Management for Attraction Venues

At the heart of every thriving attraction venue is a promise: to deliver wonder and joy in the most efficient and profitable way possible. Mastering resource management is not just about keeping the lights on; it's about crafting a world of enchantment and wonder while maintaining a firm grip on the practical realities of running a successful enterprise.

Key takeaways

  • Efficient resource management drives profitability and guest experience in venues.
  • It combines optimal use of staff, finance, assets, and tech for business goals.
  • Good management enhances positive experiences and streamlines operations.
  • AI and tech are transforming resource strategies in attraction industries.

What is resource management?

Resource management is the comprehensive planning, allocation, and use of organizational resources. For attraction venues, it involves managing your workforce, finances, facilities, inventory, and technology. The overarching goal is to direct these resources effectively to achieve business objectives and optimize operations.

Attraction venues have unique resource requirements based on the nature of their business and operations. From ride mechanics and maintenance crews at theme parks to animal handlers and food suppliers at zoos, attraction venues must manage a complex web of specialized resources. Effective resource management ensures these resources are deployed strategically to deliver quality guest experiences.

Why resource management is important

Managing resources strategically is fundamental to the success and sustainability of attraction venues for several key reasons:

  • Enhancing guest experiences: Efficiently deploying resources like knowledgeable staff, well-maintained rides, and modern technology creates seamless, engaging guest experiences. This drives satisfaction, loyalty, reviews, and repeat visits.
  • Optimizing operations: Careful resource allocation aligns with operational needs. Smooth scheduling reduces bottlenecks, and smart budgets can prevent waste. This efficiency supports productivity and profitability.
  • Controlling costs: Monitoring usage, adjusting allocation, and finding efficiencies allows venues to reduce costs without compromising quality. 
  • Managing risk: Resources like staff training, maintenance protocols, and security technology are critical for safety and regulatory compliance. Effective risk management protects a venue.
  • Supporting employees: Providing staff with proper tools, training, and facilities creates an environment where they can thrive. This boosts recruitment, retention, and productivity.
  • Driving innovation: Strategic management and investment in resources can fuel growth through new offerings, partnerships, and revenue streams.

In today's competitive attraction industry, comprehensive resource management empowers operational excellence that delights guests, engages employees, contains costs, and propels sustainable growth.

Types of resource management

Successfully managing the diverse resources of an attraction venue requires specialized teams and approaches. Key types of resource management include:

Human resource management

Human resource management optimizes staffing, recruitment, training, incentives, culture, and organizational structure to get the best from employees.

  • Workforce planning involves forecasting staffing needs and budgeting accordingly.
  • Recruitment and hiring aim to build a capable, motivated team with the necessary skills.
  • Onboarding and training help new hires prepare for their roles.
  • Ongoing training and development enable employees to continue advancing their skills.
  • Performance management tracks employee progress and aligns their goals with the organization's.
  • Crafting incentive programs and an engaged organizational culture keeps employees happy, driven, and invested in a venue's success.

Financial resource management

Financial management entails budgeting, pricing strategy, cash flow optimization, and accounting to manage finances wisely for profitability and growth.

  • Budget forecasting predicts costs and revenues for the year ahead.
  • Setting budgets allocates funds across operational areas.
  • Payroll, overheads, capital expenditures, and other costs are actively managed.
  • Revenue management optimizes pricing and revenue channels.
  • Cash flow is optimized by coordinating accounts payable and receivable.
  • Accounting provides financial visibility through metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Physical resource management

It is critical to manage physical assets like rides, maintenance equipment, IT infrastructure, and venue facilities.

  • Preventative maintenance follows schedules and protocols to maximize the lifespan of your venue’s assets.
  • Repair and replacement programs address issues promptly and plan for asset updates or replacements.
  • Inventory management tracks quantities, optimizes ordering, and prevents stock-outs.
  • Quality control proactively identifies safety risks or maintenance needs.

Technological resource management

Technology resource management spans guest-facing solutions and internal systems.

  • IT infrastructure is proactively monitored and maintained.
  • Cybersecurity protects systems and data through access controls, encryption, etc.
  • Technology training ensures employees utilize systems effectively.
  • Data analysis helps optimize usage and ROI of technology resources.

Land and Space Management

For attraction venues, land and physical spaces are key resources that require careful oversight.

  • Strategic planning ensures adequate space for current and future attractions, facilities, and operational needs.
  • Ongoing optimization across high and low-traffic areas helps to spread guest flow.
  • Layouts are designed to maximize guest experience while maintaining efficient operations.
  • Capacity limits and access controls prevent overcrowding.
  • Pedestrian modeling informs planning around crowd flow.
  • Partnerships or leases may expand available space.

Resource management best practices

Implementing proven best practices allows attraction venues to optimize their use of critical resources:

Strategic planning

  • Conduct long-term forecasting of resource needs based on business goals, growth plans, and emerging trends.
  • Align resource management strategy with organizational objectives and priorities.
  • Adopt a proactive vs. reactive stance to anticipate future resource requirements.


  • Ensure open communication between departments and staff regarding resource availability and needs.
  • Set clear policies and protocols for resource requests, allocation, and usage.
  • Provide training to staff on communicating resource needs and following protocols.


  • Implement resource management software and tools to streamline booking, scheduling, and reporting.
  • Use data and analytics to gain visibility into resource usage patterns and opportunities for improvement.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to optimize human resource time and efforts.

Training and development

  • Train staff thoroughly on new resource management tools and processes as they are implemented.
  • Run refresher training to reinforce best practices.
  • Develop staff skills in areas like data analysis, forecasting, and financial management.
  • Promote a culture of continuously improving resource management.

Monitoring and auditing

  • Track resource utilization KPIs and metrics continuously.
  • Conduct regular audits to identify inefficiencies in resource usage.
  • Re-evaluate policies and processes periodically to ensure optimal resource allocation.
  • Evaluate processes for redundancy and outdated practices. Simplify where possible.

Leveraging venue management software in resource management

In the context of effective resource management, the integration of advanced technology solutions like ROLLER venue management software can be a game changer for attraction venues. This software enhances several aspects of resource management:

  • Streamlining scheduling and booking: Software can simplify the scheduling and booking of resources, saving time and effort.
  • Efficient inventory management: Software can aid in managing inventory levels for items like equipment and supplies, preventing overstocking or shortages.
  • Enhanced staff management: Software can facilitate the management of staff schedules, track hours worked, and efficiently allocate personnel based on event requirements.
  • Financial tracking and management: Some software includes tools for monitoring expenses and revenue, assisting in budget management and financial decision-making.
  • Data-driven customer management: By gathering and analyzing data on customer behaviors and preferences, software can help tailor services to meet customer needs more effectively.
  • Insightful reporting and analytics: Advanced reporting features provide insights into resource utilization, aiding in making data-driven decisions for better resource allocation.
Adopting venue management software in resource management strategies can streamline operations, boost efficiency, enhance customer experience, and contribute to a venue's overall profitability and sustainability.

Balancing quality and efficiency

Efficiently delivering positive guest experiences requires smart trade-offs. Streamlining processes through automation and standardized workflows can cut costs without affecting quality. But some changes, like reducing staff or cutting maintenance budgets, can degrade experiences.

With astute leadership and data-driven diligence, venues can trim inefficiencies without diminishing the thrill and delight of their attractions. The trick of effective resource management is doing more with what you have.

The future of resource management

The attraction venue industry is always evolving, and resource management must keep pace with emerging technologies and approaches. By staying on top of innovations, venues can leap ahead.

AI and other new technologies are poised to transform resource management. AI can automate scheduling, provide predictive insights, enhance decision-making, and more. New technologies like sensor networks will enable real-time visibility into things like ride wait times and equipment performance. 

VR and AR are already being used in attractions, but hold potential for behind-the-scenes applications like remote equipment maintenance. Drones may take over mundane inspection tasks, and big data analytics can detect usage patterns and provide opportunities for improvement.

The future of resource management is exciting and full of potential to provide next-level guest experiences while optimizing operations.


What are some key resources that attraction venues need to manage?

Some major resources attraction venues need to manage include staff, finances, physical assets like rides and equipment, inventory, facilities, and technology solutions. Effective management of these resources is crucial for smooth operations and delivering great guest experiences.

How can technology and automation help with resource management?

Technology like AI, automation, and resource management software can provide real-time visibility into resource usage, automate repetitive tasks, enable data-driven decision-making, and streamline processes like scheduling and inventory management.

How often should attraction venues review their resource management strategies?

Resource management strategies and practices should be reviewed at least annually. Regularly evaluating metrics, looking for new optimization opportunities, and realigning practices with evolving business goals are key to staying agile and efficient.

Why is communication important for resource management?

Smooth coordination between departments and staff is crucial for ensuring resources are allocated and scheduled optimally. Open communication channels through meetings, shared protocols, training, and collaborative software tools can maximize resource utilization across the organization.


Smooth operations, sustainable profitability, and satisfied guests depend on how carefully attraction venues manage critical resources. By taking an organized approach and applying best practices, attraction venues can deliver magical guest experiences efficiently for the long haul.

Discover how ROLLER can help your venue grow.